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Students attend Life is Cool workshop

By March 18, 2014No Comments


Shopville Elementary fourth-grade students Sierra Daniels and Hunter Furnish examine a pig's liver.

Shopville Elementary fourth-grade students Sierra Daniels and Hunter Furnish examine a pig’s liver.

More than 800 fourth-grade students from eight Pulaski County elementary schools were at The Center for Rural Development on March 12-13 for a one-of-a-kind learning experience.

The students participated in the “Life is Cool” interactive workshop sponsored by the Donate Life Kentucky Coalition in partnership with Pulaski County schools to teach children life choices that promote good health.

During the workshop, students rotated in groups through 10 individual learning stations, each concentrated on a specific organ or tissue in the body. Students learned about the major transplantable organs of the body, the cornea and blood, and the function of those organs and tissues, as well as life choices that promote good health.

Pulaski County fourth-grade students attended the “Life is Cool” workshop from Pulaski Elementary, Shopville, Burnside, Eubank, Nancy, Oak Hill, and Northern and Southern Elementary schools.

The program was presented in cooperation with the Kentucky Organ Donor Affiliates, Pulaski County Schools, Lake Cumberland Regional Hospital, GE Lighting, Louisville Eye Bank, and The Center for Rural Development.

To view more “Life is Cool” photos, visit The Center’s Flickr’s gallery.



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