This photography of a Redbud tree in downtown Somerset, captured by amateur photographer Art White, is one of the 66 top entries in the 2012 Redbud Trails Photography Contest on display at The Center.
The colorful pink Redbud blossoms have long disappeared with the passage of spring, but their beauty can still be enjoyed in a new Redbud photography exhibit on display at The Center for Rural Development in Somerset.
All of the 120 contest entries in TOUR Southern and Eastern Kentucky’s (TOUR SEKY) 2012 Redbud Trails Photography Contest are available for public viewing at The Center. The top 66 entries may be viewed in the visual arts gallery in The Center’s front lobby and along the wall leading to the North Exhibit Hall. The remaining entries have been placed in a binder located at the front desk in The Center’s lobby.
TOUR SEKY hosts a Redbud Trails Photography Contest each April in celebration of Redbud Month. The contest entries were judged on April 13 during a Redbud Garden Party in Middlesboro.
The photography contest is open to all amateur photographers in TOUR SEKY’s 47-county service area. According to the contest rules, all images must be full color and contain an entire Redbud Tree, blossom or branch in the image, and must be taken in one of TOUR’s service counties.
The Redbud Trails Photography Contest exhibit will be on display through Aug. 28 at The Center. Exhibit hours are from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday and during extended evening and weekend hours when The Center’s front lobby is open to the public for special events.
For more information about the Redbud Trails Photography Exhibit, contact Maggie Bill at 606-677-6093 or via email at mbill@tourseky.com.
TOUR SEKY—an affiliate of The Center—is an award-winning initiative of U.S. Congressman Harold “Hal” Rogers (KY-05). The organization’s mission is to educate, expand, develop and market the existing and potential tourism industry throughout Southern and Eastern Kentucky, while contributing to the economic, cultural growth, health and awareness, and overall quality of life of the region.
For additional information about TOUR SEKY visit www.tourseky.com, or call 606-677-6093.