Lonnie Lawson, far right, president and CEO of The Center for Rural Development in Somerset, Ky., helped present the awards to the winning agencies. Also on hand for the presentation were, from left, Tom Tkatch, Rock Island Arsenal, U.S. Army Tacom; John Prangenberg, DEA Los Angeles Field Office; Charlie Brune, NLECTC Small, Rural, Tribal and Border Regional Center (SRTB-RC) Law Enforcement project manager, Federal Surplus Property Program; Elbert Baker, Tennessee State coordinator; and Lt. Stephen Lewis, Nashville Police Department.
Three law enforcement organizations received national recognition for the life-saving use of equipment and supplies obtained at no cost through the Federal Surplus Property Program. The Metro Nashville, Tenn. Police Department, Wilson County, Kan. Sherriff’s Department, and the Drug Enforcement Administration Los Angeles Field Division were each named “Success Stories of the Year” at the 2011 Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO) National Conference, held this week in San Antonio, Texas. These organizations were selected from among nearly 18,000 participating agencies from across the nation that are utilizing surplus federal property. Lonnie Lawson, far right, president and CEO of The Center for Rural Development in Somerset, Ky., helped present the awards to the winning agencies. Also on hand for the presentation were, from left, Tom Tkatch, Rock Island Arsenal, U.S. Army Tacom; John Prangenberg, DEA Los Angeles Field Office; Charlie Brune, NLECTC Small, Rural, Tribal and Border Regional Center (SRTB-RC) Law Enforcement project manager, Federal Surplus Property Program; Elbert Baker, Tennessee State coordinator; and Lt. Stephen Lewis, Nashville Police Department. SRTB-RC is one of the Public Safety programs operated by The Center for Rural Development.
For more information on the Federal Surplus Property Program, contact Charlie Brune at (512) 445-2316, via cell at (512) 826-9660, or email at cbrune@txsheriffs.org.
Funded through a cooperative agreement between the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute for Justice, National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center, and The Center for Rural Development, SRTB-RC serves as an honest broker providing responsive solutions and practical benefits to small and rural law enforcement agencies and acting as a one-stop-shop for free technical assistance and access to other NIJ Centers for nearly 17,000 small, rural, tribal, and border agencies across the nation through innovative, collaborative cooperation.
For more information on SRTB-RC and its programs, contact Executive Director Dave Mather at 606-677-6000, or visit www.srtbrc.org.
To read more about the winning agencies and SRTB-RC’s involvement in the Federal Surplus Property Program, click here.