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The Center is accepting applications for 2011 Rogers Explorers summer youth program through March 4

By February 8, 2011No Comments


Rogers Explorers complete hands-on activities in math and science.

Eighth-grade students looking to develop skills in leadership, science, math, and community service can build all of those skills and more—all in a college environment—in The Center for Rural Development’s Rogers Explorers youth program this summer.

The Center is accepting applications through March 4 from current eight-grade students in your community and throughout its 42-county primary service area interested in becoming Rogers Explorers.

Rogers Explorers is an intensive three-day, two-night summer youth leadership program held on the campuses of Lindsey Wilson College in Columbia, the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, and Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond.

“The Center for Rural Development partners with these three leading institutions to give middle school students a one-of-a-kind learning experience,” Lonnie Lawson, president and CEO of The Center, said. “We show them what it is like to live and study on a college campus, and allow them to participate in hands-on activities related to science and math.

“Rogers Explorers also gives participants a chance to fine tune their leadership skills and develop a network of friends and resources throughout Southern and Eastern Kentucky,” Lawson added.

Rogers Explorers complete a science project at the University of the Cumberlands.

Applicants must have a strong interest in math and science. All activities are designed to be both educational and fun.

Dates for 2011 summer sessions of Rogers Explorers are as follows: June 5-7, Lindsey Wilson College; June 8-10, University of the Cumberlands; and July 20-22, Eastern Kentucky University.

“The Center is excited to see these young middle school students grow their leadership skills and develop their potential as the region’s next generation of leaders,” Lawson said. “Thanks to the partnerships we have established with our host colleges and universities, we are giving more and more students across our region an opportunity to become Rogers Explorers.”

The program, coordinated and supervised by The Center, a nonprofit organization located in Somerset, Ky., is provided at no charge to students or their families.

For more information about the program or to download an application form, contact The Center at 606-677-6000 or visit and click on the Rogers Explorers link to download an application. All applications must be mailed and postmarked by the March 4 deadline.

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