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Educators receive Excel training

More than 40 school employees in Southeastern Kentucky received Microsoft Excel training at The Center for Rural Development. Thanks to The Center for Rural Development and Partners for Education at…
April 29, 2015

Broadband project on track

Construction on a high-speed Internet service network is expected to start this August in Eastern Kentucky and then spread throughout the state. Macquarie Capital, an Australian company, is heading a…
April 24, 2015
NewsPublic Safety

DHS-course for first responders

The Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC), led by The Center for Rural Development, is introducing an eight-hour, instructor-led U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-certified course on Planning and Intervention for Gangs,…
February 13, 2015

Forward in the Fifth AppLE Awards

Forward in the Fifth, a nonprofit education organization that helps to raise educational attainment levels in the Fifth Congressional District, is seeking nominations for the Appalachian Leaders in Education (AppLE)…
January 22, 2015