Photojournalist Morgan Walker documents the work of the Southwestern High School Raptor Rehabilitation Program in "Birds of a Feather..."
The exhibit features the creative talents of photojournalists who collaborated with nationally known photo editors and writers at the latest Western Kentucky University Mountain Workshops to tell a story about life in Pulaski County.
“We are excited to feature this exclusive collection of photographs from the Somerset Mountain Workshops,” said Dianna Winstead, associate director of arts, culture, and events at The Center. “The photographs capture the true spirit of Pulaski County, its people, and life in a small rural community.”
The photojournalism workshop focuses on still photography, as coaches and participants explore individual characters, the give and take of relationships, the deeply felt sense of belonging to a place, and the pride of participating in a shared heritage.
Out of their work came the photo exhibit now on display at The Center. The exhibit, which is free and open to the public, may be viewed Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and during extended evening and weekend hours when The Center is open for special events.
Click here to view a slideshow presentation of some of the images produced at the Somerset Mountain Workshops.